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Prepare a Holographic Will

Prepare a Holographic Will

Create your legally-binding holographic will by filling in the template with your personal details and specific bequests. This Last Will and Testament allows you to appoint an executor, specify bequests, allocate the residuary estate, and provide for minor children, if applicable. You can also include special instructions according to your preferences.
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Generate a personalized holographic will with ease using this interactive template. This AI-powered guided approach helps you outline the distribution of your assets and decide on crucial aspects related to estate planning.

The prompt

Complete the text with the data entered in parentheses:{Your full legal name}Last Will and TestamentDate: {Date}I, {Your full legal name}, of {Your full address, including city, state, and country}, being of sound mind and disposing memory, declare this to be my Last Will and Testament, hereby revoking any and all previous wills and codicils made by me.1. Executor:   I hereby appoint {Executor's full name and relationship to you} as the Executor of my estate. In the event {Executor's full name} is unwilling or unable to serve as Executor, I appoint {Alternate Executor's full name and relationship to you} as the alternate Executor.2. Payment of Debts, Expenses, and Taxes:   I direct my Executor to pay all of my just debts, funeral expenses, and estate administration costs, as well as any liabilities for federal, state, and local taxes, from my estate.3. Specific Bequests:   I bequeath the following assets to the designated beneficiaries:   a. {Description of asset} to {Beneficiary's full name and relationship to you};   b. {Description of asset} to {Beneficiary's full name and relationship to you};   c. {Description of asset} to {Beneficiary's full name and relationship to you};   {Continue listing as needed}   4. Residuary Estate:   I bequeath the remainder of my estate, after fulfilling the provisions above, to {Primary Beneficiary's full name and relationship to you}. In the event that {Primary Beneficiary's full name} predeceases me or is unable to inherit, I bequeath the residuary estate to {Alternate Beneficiary's full name and relationship to you}.5. Guardian for Minor Children {if applicable}:   In the event of my death, I appoint {Guardian's full name and relationship to you} as the guardian of my minor children. If {Guardian's full name} is unwilling or unable to serve, I appoint {Alternate Guardian's full name and relationship to you} as the alternate guardian.6. Special Instructions {optional}:   {Include any additional instructions, such as burial or cremation preferences, organ donation, or any other specific wishes.}IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand to this Last Will and Testament on this {Date} at {Location {City and State}}.______________________________{Your signature}

How to use this prompt

When using this holographic will prompt, ensure that you:

  1. Enter your full legal name and address, along with the date.
  2. Provide clear details about the executor and alternate executor, if applicable.
  3. Specify the payment of debts, expenses, and taxes.
  4. List detailed specific bequests, including a description of the asset and the beneficiary's full name and relationship to you.
  5. Allocate the residuary estate to the primary beneficiary and the alternate beneficiary.
  6. If applicable, appoint a guardian for minor children and provide special instructions, if needed.

Note: Customize this template by replacing the placeholders with your personal information and estate planning preferences.

Example of Input and Output

Input: "Complete the holographic will template with your personal details, including your full legal name, address, and the date. Specify the executor, bequeath specific assets to designated beneficiaries, allocate the residuary estate, appoint a guardian for minor children if needed, and include any special instructions or preferences."
Output: "The completed holographic will template will include your full legal name, address, and date, details about the executor and alternate executor, specific bequests with descriptions of the assets and the designated beneficiaries, allocation of the residuary estate, guardianship instructions for minor children, and any special instructions or preferences you have included."
Ensure that you carefully review and update the completed holographic will template to reflect your current circumstances and wishes. Consider consulting with a legal professional to ensure that your holographic will is valid and meets all legal requirements. Share relevant details and instructions with your trusted family members or legal representatives.
Activating Memory the system will be used automatically and documents from your caricati, obtaining the information always updated and pertinent, other than to avoid writing and returning the necessary content to the prompt.
By activating Personality, the system will adapt the way of writing to the selected tone of voice, thus providing content that is always in line with the communication style and values of the brand.

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