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Craft Compelling and SEO-Friendly Content

Craft Compelling and SEO-Friendly Content

Leverage the power of AI to develop engaging, informative, and user-oriented content tailored to your chosen topic and keywords. Our AI-driven platform assists you in creating well-researched, original, and optimized articles, aimed at providing value, accuracy, and reliability to your audience.
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Empower your content creation process with our AI-powered platform that enables you to craft user-oriented, reliable, and SEO-friendly articles addressing a diverse range of topics. From in-depth research to strategic keyword integration, our tool equips you with the necessary features to produce valuable and captivating content for your audience.

The prompt

Please write an SEO-friendly article following the provided guidelines and including the specified variables:Topic: {topic}Article title: {title}Primary keywords: {keyword_1}, {keyword_2}, {keyword_3}Secondary keywords: {keyword_4}, {keyword_5}, {keyword_6}Article length: {1000 words}Here are some guidelines on how to develop your article:Conduct thorough and in-depth research on the chosen topic.Provide content based on reliable and verifiable information.Present a detailed analysis and interesting information in your article.Add value to your work by offering an original perspective and do not commit plagiarism.Use descriptive and helpful titles and headings, avoiding excessive tones.Show expertise and experience in the topic.Ensure that the content is well-presented and free of stylistic errors.Balance advertising to not interfere with the main content.Consider the needs of your audience in creating the content.Write for users and not just for search engines.Use the best SEO practices to facilitate search engines' understanding and categorization of your content.Based on the chosen topic, keywords, and guidelines provided, create a well-written and optimized article for search engines. Happy writing!

How to use this prompt

When formulating your article, ensure to incorporate the following:

  • The chosen topic and primary/secondary keywords: Tailor the article according to these variables to align with search engine categorization and audience interest.
  • Thorough research and reliable information: Provide accurate, verifiable content to establish authority and trustworthiness.
  • Detailed analysis and original perspective: Offer unique insights and valuable information to captivate readers.
  • User-focused approach with SEO best practices: Write compelling content that balances user needs and SEO optimization for enhanced visibility.

Note: Replace {topic}, {title}, {keyword_1}, {keyword_2}, {keyword_3}, {keyword_4}, {keyword_5}, and {keyword_6} with your specific details to customize your article.

Example of Input and Output

Input: "Please write an SEO-friendly article on the topic of sustainable living in urban environments.Article title: Implementing Sustainable Practices in Urban CommunitiesPrimary keywords: sustainable living, urban environment, community developmentSecondary keywords: eco-friendly initiatives, green spaces, urban planningArticle length: 1000 words"
Output: "

Sustainability in urban settings is becoming increasingly vital as cities grapple with environmental concerns. Implementing sustainable practices in urban communities is not only essential for environmental preservation but also for enhancing the quality of life for residents. This article delves into various eco-friendly initiatives, urban planning strategies, and community-focused development to promote sustainable living in urban environments.

Explore the blend of informative and engaging content creation while focusing on the user experience. Implement strategic use of primary and secondary keywords to optimize the article for search engines and captivate your target audience. Address the specific needs and interests of your readers, ensuring that the content is insightful and engaging.
Activating Memory the system will be used automatically and documents from your caricati, obtaining the information always updated and pertinent, other than to avoid writing and returning the necessary content to the prompt.
By activating Personality, the system will adapt the way of writing to the selected tone of voice, thus providing content that is always in line with the communication style and values of the brand.

Ready to get started?

Start your free trial now to discover how ASKtoAI can revolutionize your content creation.

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