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Generate Engaging Google Ads

Generate Engaging Google Ads

Leverage the power of AI to craft 10 compelling Google Ads titles, each containing up to 30 characters. Use persuasive language, eye-catching adjectives, and key information at the beginning to captivate potential customers and drive engagement. With ASKtoAI, you can create impactful ad titles that highlight your unique offerings and grab attention in a competitive digital marketplace.
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With this prompt, you can easily generate 10 attention-grabbing Google Ads titles, each up to 30 characters long. These ads will be crafted with the help of persuasive language, compelling adjectives, and key information at the beginning to ensure maximum engagement.

The prompt

Create 10 Google ADS titles of up to 30 characters that include this information:{insert information}The ad title must be less than 30 characters.Use these guides:Use numbers: Include numbers in your ads to make them more interesting and persuasive. For example, indicate the amount of discount, the number of satisfied customers or the results achieved.Use catchy adjectives and adverbs: Include words such as free, practical, secret, easy, amazing, essential, strange and unique to attract attention.Suggestions instead of things: Whenever possible, replace the word 'things' with suggestions, reasons, principles, lessons, tips, tricks, remedies, ideas, secrets or ways.Capitalisation of important words: Capitalise the most important words to emphasise their value in the context of the ad.Ad length and key information at the beginning: Make sure your ad is attractive from the first words and immediately communicates the topic. Remember that the characters available for display vary on different platforms, so put the 'gist' of the ad at the beginning.Add bonuses: Incorporate bonuses into the ad to make the offer more interesting and demonstrate added value.Use How, Why and When: Incorporate these words in headlines and ads to attract attention and address the needs of potential customers.Make a bold promise: If appropriate, create a bold promise that demonstrates the value of the offer or product. Make sure, however, that you can deliver on this promise to avoid disappointing or irritating customers.

How to use this prompt

When formulating your Google Ads titles, be sure to follow these guidelines:

  1. Use numbers: Incorporate numbers to indicate discounts, customer satisfaction, or results achieved.
  2. Utilize catchy adjectives and adverbs: Include words like free, practical, secret, easy, amazing, essential, strange, and unique to attract attention.
  3. Substitute suggestions for things: Whenever possible, replace 'things' with suggestions, reasons, principles, lessons, tips, tricks, remedies, ideas, secrets, or ways.
  4. Capitalise important words: Emphasize the value of key words by capitalizing them.
  5. Ensure ad length and key information: Make the ad attractive from the beginning and immediately convey the topic.
  6. Include bonuses: Demonstrate added value by incorporating bonuses into the ad.
  7. Incorporate How, Why, and When: Use these words to capture attention and address the needs of potential customers.
  8. Make a bold promise: Create a bold promise that showcases the value of the offer or product while ensuring deliverability.

Note: Modify {insert information} in the prompt with any specific details or offerings to customise your Google Ads.

Example of Input and Output

Input: "Create 10 Google Ads titles about our new product launch"
Output: "
  1. Introducing: Get Our Secret Deals
  2. Explore 7 Unique Ideas for Your Home
  3. Reasons You Need Our Amazing Solution
  4. Unlock 5 Essential Tips for Success
  5. Try Our Prized Product Absolutely Free
  6. Discover: 3 Strange Facts About Our Service
  7. Essential: The Key to Your Best Life Yet
  8. Get Our Quick, Easy Solutions Today
  9. Instantly Save! 10 Practical Tips for You
  10. Your Way: 9 Unbelievable Things You Must Know
Craft attention-grabbing ad titles to drive user engagement and conversion. By following the provided guidelines, you can create ads that are not only captivating but also informative, addressing the needs of potential customers while promoting the unique value of your offerings. Utilise these engaging ad titles across various online platforms and monitor their performance to optimise your advertising strategy. #GoogleAds #MarketingTips
Activating Memory the system will be used automatically and documents from your caricati, obtaining the information always updated and pertinent, other than to avoid writing and returning the necessary content to the prompt.
By activating Personality, the system will adapt the way of writing to the selected tone of voice, thus providing content that is always in line with the communication style and values of the brand.

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