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Generate a JSON-LD Markup Schema

Generate a JSON-LD Markup Schema

Create a JSON-LD markup schema for a website specifying the main content type, title, subtitle, main image, author and publisher information, publication and modification dates, page URL, and a brief description. This will enhance the visibility and understanding of the content for search engines and other applications.
Logo round web



With this prompt, you can easily create a JSON-LD markup schema to provide structured data for a website. The schema will include relevant information such as content type, title, subtitle, main image, author details, publisher information, publication and modification dates, main page URL, short description, and content.

The prompt

Create a JSON-LD markup schema for a website with the following information:Main content type: {content_type} Title: {title} Subtitle: {subtitle} Main image URL: {image_url} Image dimensions (Width x Height): {image_width}x{image_height} Author's name: {author_name} Publisher's name: {publisher_name} Publisher's logo URL: {logo_url} Logo dimensions (Width x Height): {logo_width}x{logo_height} Publication date: {publication_date} Modification date: {modification_date} Main page URL: {main_page_url} Short description: {description} Content: {content}

How to use this prompt

When creating the JSON-LD markup schema, ensure to include the following details:

  1. Main content type: Specify the type of content included on the website, such as article, blog, news, or event.
  2. Title and subtitle: Clearly define the main title and, if applicable, the subtitle of the content.
  3. Main image and logo details: Provide the URL and dimensions of the main image and the publisher's logo.
  4. Author and publisher information: Include the name of the author and the publisher.
  5. Publication and modification dates: Clearly indicate the dates when the content was published and last modified.
  6. Main page URL: Specify the URL of the main page where the content is hosted.
  7. Short description and content: Summarize the content with a short description and include the full content in the schema.

Note: Replace the placeholders such as {content_type}, {title}, {subtitle}, and others with the actual details to customize your JSON-LD markup schema.

Example of Input and Output

Input: "Create a JSON-LD markup schema for a website with the following information:Main content type: BlogTitle: The Ultimate Guide to Digital MarketingSubtitle: Strategies, Tips, and Best PracticesMain image URL: dimensions (Width x Height): 1200x800Author's name: John DoePublisher's name: Marketing MastersPublisher's logo URL: dimensions (Width x Height): 600x200Publication date: 2022-07-15Modification date: 2022-09-20Main page URL: description: Explore the latest digital marketing trends and discover effective strategies to boost your online presence.Content: [Full content of the digital marketing guide]"
Output: "Here's an example of the generated JSON-LD markup schema:
{  "@context": "",  "@type": "BlogPosting",  "mainEntityOfPage": {    "@type": "WebPage",    "@id": ""  },  "headline": "The Ultimate Guide to Digital Marketing",  "description": "Explore the latest digital marketing trends and discover effective strategies to boost your online presence.",  "image": [    ""  ],  "datePublished": "2022-07-15",  "dateModified": "2022-09-20",  "author": {    "@type": "Person",    "name": "John Doe"  },  "publisher": {    "@type": "Organization",    "name": "Marketing Masters",    "logo": {      "@type": "ImageObject",      "url": "",      "width": 600,      "height": 200    }  }}
After creating the JSON-LD markup schema, be sure to add it to the relevant pages of your website to enhance the visibility and rich snippets in search engine results. This structured data markup can improve the understanding and presentation of your content across various platforms and devices.
Activating Memory the system will be used automatically and documents from your caricati, obtaining the information always updated and pertinent, other than to avoid writing and returning the necessary content to the prompt.
By activating Personality, the system will adapt the way of writing to the selected tone of voice, thus providing content that is always in line with the communication style and values of the brand.

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