This prompt allows you to create a curated list of industry-specific websites and propose captivating article titles tailored to their readers' interests. By leveraging ASKtoAI's capabilities, you can provide valuable content suggestions that cater to various platforms, from blogs to news outlets, and drive engagement within your industry niche.
The prompt
Provide a list of websites that focus on {insert your industry}, such as blogs or news outlets, and suggest article titles that may interest their readers.
How to use this prompt
When formulating your prompt, ensure to clearly specify:
- The industry of focus: Define the specific industry for which you are seeking websites and article titles.
- Article titles that may interest their readers: Provide exciting and informative title ideas that align with the content typically consumed by the audience of the selected websites.
Note: Incorporate details relevant to {insert your industry} to personalize the prompt according to your specific field.
Example of Input and Output
Input: "Provide a list of websites that focus on artificial intelligence and suggest article titles that may interest their readers."
Output: ""
- Website 1: AI Insider
- - 'Unveiling the Future: How AI is Reshaping Industries'
- - 'Demystifying AI: Understanding the Basics and Applications'
- Website 2: TechAI News
- - 'The Impact of AI on Healthcare: Transforming Patient Care'
- - 'AI in E-commerce: Revolutionizing Customer Experience'
When compiling the list of websites, consider the diversity of content and audience preferences on each platform. Tailor the article titles to align with the readers' interests, ensuring that the suggested topics are current and relevant within the industry to capture the attention of the targeted audience.
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