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Create a Compelling News Article

Create a Compelling News Article

Empower yourself with ASKtoAI's advanced AI capabilities to craft a captivating news article covering a specific topic of your choice. From local breakthroughs to global events, the content will be designed to inform and engage readers by presenting the latest developments, notable statements, and potential impacts or outcomes.
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Experience the power of AI to craft a comprehensive news article dealing with a specific subject matter. Share the latest events and developments and highlight essential statements and their projected effects.

The prompt

Write a news article about {topic} that includes the following information:- Tone: {tone}- Date: {date}- News: {brief_episode_description}- Recent development: {recent_development}- Important statements: {statements}- Expected consequences or effects: {consequences}

How to use this prompt

When creating your news article, ensure to provide the following details:

  • The topic: Clearly define the subject matter to focus the article on a specific area of interest.
  • The tone: Communicate the intended tone of the article, whether it is serious, lighthearted, investigative, or analytical.
  • The date: Include the date of the news to provide timeliness and relevance.
  • Brief episode description: Summarize the main news episode to give context to the readers.
  • Recent development: Highlight the most recent developments related to the topic of the news.
  • Important statements: Identify and include any significant statements made by relevant individuals or organizations.
  • Consequences or effects: Discuss the expected implications of the news on the subject matter or the wider community.

Note: Modify {topic}, {tone}, {date}, {brief_episode_description}, {recent_development}, {statements}, and {consequences} with the specific details required for your news article.

Example of Input and Output

Input: "Write a news article about the environmental impact of plastic pollution in oceans that is written in a serious and informative tone. Date: October 15, 2022. News: A new scientific study reveals the severity of plastic pollution in the Pacific Ocean. Recent development: Environmental activists have initiated a campaign to raise awareness about plastic waste in coastal areas. Important statements: The lead researcher emphasized the urgency for global action. Expected consequences or effects: The study's findings are expected to bolster international efforts to reduce plastic consumption and enforce stricter regulations on plastic waste management."
Output: "

In the latest environmental news dated October 15, 2022, a new scientific study has underscored the alarming impact of plastic pollution in the Pacific Ocean. The comprehensive report sheds light on the severity of this issue, prompting widespread concern from environmental activists and organizations.

In a recent development, environmental activists have initiated a compelling campaign aimed at raising awareness about the detrimental effects of plastic waste on our coastal regions. This initiative comes at a pivotal time, given the growing concern over environmental preservation and sustainability.

Lead researcher Dr. Smith expressed the urgent need for immediate global action to address this critical issue. The study's findings are expected to catalyze international efforts in reshaping attitudes toward plastic consumption and enforcing stricter measures for managing plastic waste. The researchers hope that this wake-up call will stimulate proactive steps toward safeguarding our oceans and marine life from the perils of plastic pollution.

Ensure to convey the seriousness of the issue while providing a balanced perspective. Share the article on relevant platforms to raise awareness and provoke discussions around the environmental impact of plastic pollution in oceans. #EnvironmentalNews #PlasticPollution
Activating Memory the system will be used automatically and documents from your caricati, obtaining the information always updated and pertinent, other than to avoid writing and returning the necessary content to the prompt.
By activating Personality, the system will adapt the way of writing to the selected tone of voice, thus providing content that is always in line with the communication style and values of the brand.

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